Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Film: Zonkey Boy

Yesterday I told a friend that it bothered me that once I got deep into the pre-production of my first feature film I wouldn’t be able to shoot anything.  I expressed my need and desire to shoot another short before year-end.  My friend reminded me that “Chungking Express was shot when Ashes of Time went into production hell.  You can always shoot something.” Of course I don’t foresee getting stuck in production hell but I have left over film from Toñita Runs Away and I could write something around a location in San Diego using the little resources I have now.  Up until this afternoon I had no realistic ideas that would fit my resources.  I decided not to stress over it and to wait and just let the ideas suddenly come to me as they always do.   And then, it came.  I ran it by my friend and he liked it.

Here’s the logline of the creepy adventure:
A boy obsessed with cryptozoology and creatures like Sasquatch and the Chupacabra crosses the border in search of the famed Tijuana zonkey.


I haven’t pitched the idea to the young actor but I doubt he’ll say no since he’s easily bribed.

So my longtime desire to shoot in Tijuana might soon become a reality.

Stay tuned.

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